QuillBot x BrandPlant

Our ed-tech influencer marketing agency recently partnered with QuillBot, an online paraphrasing tool, to launch an influencer marketing campaign called QuillBotQuotes. The results of the campaign were incredible, surpassing our goals and delivering massive ROI.

The goal of the QuillBotQuotes campaign was to increase brand awareness for QuillBot and drive traffic to their website.

To achieve this, we crafted a strategic campaign that leveraged the power of social media influencers to create engaging content that would resonate with QuillBot's target audience.

The campaign was a huge success, generating a staggering 770,000 views, with a cost per thousand impressions (CPM) of just £2.36. In addition, QuillBot gained an impressive 5,100 new followers across their social media accounts, which was a significant boost to their online presence.

We attribute the success of the campaign to our in-depth understanding of QuillBot's brand and messaging, combined with our careful selection of influencers who were a good fit for their target audience. We also encouraged influencers to create high-quality content that showcased the benefits of QuillBot, which helped to build trust and credibility with their audience.

Overall, the QuillBotQuotes campaign was a testament to the power of influencer marketing when executed correctly. By working closely with our client and leveraging the creativity and influence of social media influencers, we were able to drive massive results and help QuillBot achieve their marketing objectives.







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Campaign launched
Campaign finished
Campaign length
52 days

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